
2022 Funds of the Foundation

The Community Foundation empowers donors to transform charitable inspiration into lasting impact with a variety of options. Unrestricted endowment funds give us the flexibility to address our region’s most urgent needs and promising opportunities as they arise. Field of interest funds let donors support causes they care about while leaning on the Community Foundation's expertise to determine how grants can best serve the community's evolving needs over time. Alternatively, donors can create scholarships or invest in specific organizations that are close to their hearts.

Unrestricted Endowment Funds

Donors establish unrestricted funds as a lasting example of their commitment to the community. These flexible funds provide the critical community capital that allows the Community Foundation to respond to the needs of our time, test innovative solutions, and support charitable activities that will make our region a great place to live and work for generations to come.

Southeast Michigan Forever

  • Gifts of all sizes give the Community Foundation the flexibility to address emerging needs and unforeseen opportunities in our region.

AAA Michigan Fund

Terence E. Adderley Endowment Fund

Maggie A. Allesee Fund

Anderson Fund

Thomas V. and Nancy J. Angott Endowment Fund

Charles Shirley Avery Fund

Barkett-Elder Foundation Fund

Albert M. Berriz Family Fund

Penny and Harold Blumenstein Fund

Charles B. Bohn Fund

Beverly E. Booker Fund

Russell A. Bowman Memorial Fund

Brooks Family Endowment Fund

Bundy Corporation Directors’ Fund

James A. Campbell Fund

Cohn Family Fund

Colony Town Club Fund

Robert and Roseann Comstock Fund

Julie F. and Peter D.

Cummings Family Fund

Tarik and Helen Daoud Fund

Lynn W. Day Fund

Dayton-Hudson Corporation Fund

Detroit Salt Fund

James Pearson Duffy Endowment Fund

Louis P. Ferris Jr. Family Charitable Fund

Margaret K. and Charles T. Fisher III Endowment Fund

James H. Flinn Jr. Endowment Fund

William and Nancy Gard Endowment Fund

General Motors Fund

General Purpose Fund

Glancy Fund

J. Ernest & Almena Gray Wilde Fund

Vivilore S. and T. Norris Hitchman Fund

Jean Wright and Joseph L. Hudson Jr. Family Fund

Joseph L. Hudson Jr. Founding Chairman Fund

Field of Interest Funds

Donors who care deeply about a specific issue or issues — such as children, homelessness, the environment, or the arts — and wish to create a permanent source of funding for these areas have the option of naming that interest in a field of interest fund. When making grant awards, the Community Foundation works to identify the needs within the community that best fit the intent of these field of interest funds.

Access to Recreation Endowment Fund

Ann and Carman Adams Fund

Robert L. and Aleene M. Adams Children’s Fund

Rolf Amundson Fund

Dennis W. Archer Fund

Dennis W. Archer Community Development Fund

Arts and Cultural Participation Endowment Fund

Suzanne L. and Raymond Baber Jr. Fund

Louis Baltman Memorial Fund for the Arts

Mary A. Bassett Fund

William J. Beckham Jr. Fund for Children and Youth

Frederick D. Bornman Fund

Donna Y. Chew Breeden Memorial Fund

Sue Anne Brorby Fund

Buhl Memorial Endowment Fund

Cancer Loan Closet Fund

Child Care Coordinating Council of Detroit/Wayne County Endowment Fund

Choral Performance Fund

The Chrysler Foundation – Highland Park Endowment Fund

Avern L. Cohn Environmental Endowment Fund

Comerica Bank Community Economic Development Fund

Comerica Bank Culture and Arts Fund

Comerica Bank Youth Fund

Community Health Endowment Fund

Robert and Roseann Comstock Fund for the Arts

Donna K. Czapski Fund

Nancy Davidson Endowment Fund

Shirley Dudek Demmer Memorial Fund

Detroit Auto Dealers Association Charitable Foundation Endowment Fund

Detroit Edison Fund

Detroit Garden Center Endowment Fund

Detroit Jaycee Alumni Fund

Detroit Newspapers Fund

Detroit Tigers Foundation – Ordóñez Baseball Field Endowment Fund

Herbert and Grace Dow Fund

Edwin H. Drescher Jr. Memorial Fund

Family Development Endowment Fund

George A. and Virginia M. Ferris Foundation Fund

Fisher Archives Endowment Fund

Dorothy Louise Fisher Fund

Ford Foundation Community Development Endowment Fund

Ford Motor Company Endowment Fund

French Festival of Detroit Fund

Dr. Shiro Fujita Memorial Fund

Fund for Downtown Public Spaces

M.J. Gelder Music Therapy and Performing Arts Fund

Genesis Fund for Environmental Integrity

Allan D. Gilmour Fund for Community Leadership

Great Lakes Environmental Endowment Fund

GreenWays Initiative

  • GreenWays Endowment Fund
  • Suzanne L. and Raymond Baber Jr. Fund for GreenWays
  • Penny and Harold Blumenstein Fund for GreenWays
  • Julie F. and Peter D. Cummings GreenWays Initiative Fund
  • Masco Corporation Fund for GreenWays
  • Meijer Family Fund for GreenWays
  • Jean H. Robertson Fund for GreenWays

William J. Hartwig Fund

HelpSource Endowment Fund

Highland Park Community Endowment Fund

Historic Corktown, North Corktown, and Hubbard Richard Neighborhood Improvement Fund

The HOPE Fund

  • HOPE Endowment Fund
  • George M. Fadiga Fund
  • Thomas Fiedler and Thomas Taylor Endowment for The HOPE Fund
  • LGBT Racial Equity Endowment Fund
  • David M. Mark Endowment Fund for The HOPE Fund
  • Leonard Mazerov Fund
  • Christopher Nern and Marc Owens Endowment for The HOPE Fund
  • The Palmer Fund Endowment

Eugene Howe Endowment Fund

Richard F. Huegli Program Excellence Fund

Hung Family Foundation Fund

The M.Y. Leung Hung Memorial Fund

Chauncy Hurlbut Beautification and Education Fund

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Economic Development Fund

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Neighborhood Development Endowment Fund

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Youth Fund

Knight Arts Challenge

John S. and James L. Knight Fund

The Kresge Foundation Fund for Endowment Building

Alex M. Mackmin Memorial Fund

Joseph and Aretha Marshall Family Endowment Fund

Adeline Shaw Martindale Bequest

Clarita Mays and Obie Hunt Harbin Intergenerational Fund

MichCon Endowment Fund

Virginia and Eugene Mitchell Fund

William P. and Shirley J. Mobley OmniArts in Education Endowment Fund

Neighborhood Endowment Fund

New Economy Endowment Fund

Mariam C. Noland Award

Mariam C. Noland Fund for Public Spaces

Oxford Perennial Corktown Neighborhood Improvement Fund

PARK Program Endowment Fund

Performing Arts Fund

Willard Pope Fund

Prosthetic Care Endowment Fund

James E. and Kimberly A. Reinert Fund

Reliance Insurance Company Fund

George and Evelyn Richmond Fund

Jack A. and Aviva Robinson Endowment Fund

Myron “Mike” P. Savoie Fund

M. Ralph and Geraldine M. Schafer Fund

Max Silk Fund

Richard K. and Barbara W. Simonds Fund

Raymond C. Smith Foundation Endowment Fund

Roger B. Smith Cancer Research Fund

Southfield Arts and Culture Fund

Southfield Emergency Assistance Fund

Southfield Healthy Youth Healthy Seniors Fund

Southeast Michigan Youth Leadership Fund

Southfield Millennium Fund

Southfield Women’s Fund

Southfield Youth Philanthropy Fund

Special Dreams Farm Fund

Stephen Stackpole Fund

Helen Tallman Fund

Doreen Wessel Taylor Fund

TI Group/Bundy Corporation Fund

Unified Greenway Endowment

Bebe Ann and John F. Vallance Fund

Ann K. Warren Fund

James B. Webber Jr. Fund

Charles and Kathryn Weir Family Fund

Michael Sullivan Wells Cycle Fund

Western Wayne County Fund for Women and Girls

Widman Fund

Elizabeth M. Wight Fund

Wildlife Conservation and Education Fund

The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation Arts and Culture Capacity Fund

The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation Inclusive Access to the Arts Fund

The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation Trails Maintenance Endowment Fund

The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Funds

Tom and Anne Woiwode Fund for the Environment

Women’s City Club of Detroit Endowment Fund

Community Foundation Funds

These funds support the continued operations and further enhancement of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, in fulfillment of its mission.

Community Foundation Fund

Dearborn Congregational Church Endowment

Endowment Fund for the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Online Platform

Karen L. Leppanen Fund for Operational Excellence

Mel And Eleanore Ravitz Memorial Fund

The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation Endowment for Caregiving

The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation Endowment for the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation Endowment for Inclusive Arts and Culture Capacity Fund

Designated Funds

Donors who want to help sustain one or more specific charitable organizations over time can establish a named designated fund at the Community Foundation.

Adopt-A-Car Fund

  • Supports the Model-T Automotive Heritage Complex Inc.

Sara Kathryn Bracken Anderson Fund

  • Supports the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute and the United Way for Southeastern Michigan.

Ann Arbor Pioneer High School Fund for Excellence

Norma Arim Endowment Fund for Education

  • Supports the Detroit Public Schools Foundation.

Deborah L. Blakely (Jones) Deb Endowment Fund

  • Supports the Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Detroit.

John D. Butler, M.D. and Charlita W. Butler Fund

  • Supports Wayne State University, the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, Plymouth Unified Church of Christ, Lincoln University, Meharry Medical College and St. Matthew’s African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.

Antonio Calderoni Charismatic Renewal Fund

  • Supports the Detroit Catholic Charismatic Renewal Center.

Clarence and Grace Chamberlin Fund for the Foundation for Exceptional Children

  • Supports the ARC Grosse Pointe Harper Woods Inc.

Cohn Family Endowment

  • Supports the Theodore Levin Memorial Foundation.

Cohn Family Endowment Fund for Education

  • Supports Cranbrook Schools, Frankel Jewish Academy and Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit.

Mike and Melonie Colaianne Fund for Animals

  • Supports the Humane Society of Huron Valley.

Mike and Melonie Colaianne Fund for the EMU College of Business

Clarence R. Constantakis Adrian College Book Fund

Clarence R. Constantakis and Lillian Constantakis Clinton River Watershed Fund

Clarence R. Constantakis and Lillian Constantakis Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Preparatory Book Fund

Diana Conyers Endowment Fund

  • Supports the Detroit Public Schools Foundation.

Wendy Marie Cope Memorial Fund

  • Supports The Arc Grosse Pointe Harper Woods Inc., Methodist Children’s Home Society, Lakeshore Foundation for the Developmentally Challenged, and Full Circle Foundation.

Copy Cat Fund

  • Supports the Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society.

Creative Many Michigan Endowment Fund; Barbara Kratchman Fund to Support Michigan Artists and Their Art

  • Supports CultureSource.

Nancy and Robert E. Dewar Fund

  • Supports the Coleman Foundation.

David G. Doubley and Family Fund

  • Supports the Detroit Institute of Arts, United Way for Southeastern Michigan, children’s literacy development, and patient education care or research for lupus and related diseases and diverticulitis and related diseases.

Dragun Corporation Fund

  • Supports Life Challenge of Southeastern Michigan.

Edward T. and Ellen K. Dryer Charitable Foundation Fund

  • Supports the Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology.

Uwe K. Faulhaber Family Fund

  • Supports the Blood Cancer Foundation of Michigan and Wayne State University.

Dorothy Louise Fisher Endowment Fund

  • Supports the Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit Symphony Orchestra and Capuchin Soup Kitchen.

Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation Endowment Fund for the DIA

  • Supports the Detroit Institute of Arts.

Mary G. and Robert H. Flint Foundation Fund

  • Supports Mariners Inn.

Emory M. Ford Jr. Endowment Fund

  • Supports the Detroit Zoological Society, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and Olivet College.

Ralph M. and Emmalyn E. Freeman Fund

  • Supports the Theodore Levin Memorial Foundation.

Richard F. Freeman Fund

  • Supports Meharry Medical College, the United Negro College Fund and Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.

Friends of the Grosse Pointe Public Library Endowment Fund

  • Supports the Grosse Pointe Public Library and the Friends of the Grosse Pointe Public Library.

Fund for a Peaceful, Safe, and Just Michigan

  • Supports the Michigan Community Mediation Association and the Michigan Justice Fund of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan.

Marv and Rikki Gans Athletic Opportunity Fund

  • Supports Northville High School.

Gifted Student Education Endowment Fund

  • Supports The Roeper School.

Irving J. and Ida Gordon Fund

  • Supports the Community Living Centers Inc.

Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church Fund

George S. Hedden Gift

  • Supports in equal shares The Salvation Army Great Lakes Division and Starr Commonwealth.

James 2:17 Scholarship Fund

  • Supports Kensington Community Church in Troy, Mich.

Fern O. Kelly Fund for Musical Performance

  • Supports the Ethical Society of St. Louis, Mo.

Dr. George Kling Memorial Fund

  • Supports the Radiology Department in the School of Medicine at Wayne State University.

Kukla-Scheibner Fund

  • Supports the Michigan Science Center, Detroit Historical Society, Burton Endowment Fund of the Detroit Public Library, Detroit Opera, Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit Symphony Orchestra and the Nature Conservancy – Michigan Chapter.

Loli Smiles Fund

  • Supports the HAVEN Foundation and Amnesty International.

Lonyo Family Chaplaincy Endowment Fund

  • Supports the Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Foundation.

Lonyo Family Endowment Fund for the Detroit Historical Museum

Lonyo Family Endowment Fund for Macomb County Community College

Fayette and Donald Loria Equality Fund

  • Supports programs of the American Civil Liberties Union Fund of Michigan.

Ludwig Foundation Fund

  • Supports the American Cancer Society, Arthritis Foundation – Michigan Chapter, Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation, Detroit Symphony Orchestra and The Salvation Army Great Lakes Division.

Chelsea Grace Maclean Memorial Fund

  • Supports Garden City Presbyterian Church and Livonia Franklin High School.

Alexander and Gabrielle Mansour Memorial Fund

  • Supports the West Bloomfield School District.

Wade McCree Fund

  • Supports the Waldorf Association of Michigan.

Mecke Brothers’ Fund

  • Supports St. Paul Catholic School, Grosse Pointe, Mich.

MichCon Legacy Fund

  • Supports Focus: HOPE.

Michigan Jewish AIDS Coalition Endowment Fund

Eleanor Finola Murphy Memorial Fund

  • Supports Ele’s Place and Brighton Area Schools.

Oakland County Volunteer Resource Center Endowment Fund

  • Supports the United Way for Southeastern Michigan.

Arthur and Birdie Oberlander Endowment for JHAS

Oxford Community Fund

  • Supports Oxford Community Schools.

Margaret W. Parker Gift

  • Supports the YWCA of Metropolitan Detroit and Child and Family Charities.

RARE Foundation Endowment Fund

  • Supports Winning Futures Inc.

Stanley and Lenore Rontal Memorial Endowment Fund

  • Supports the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.

St. Mary Community Outreach Center Endowment Fund

Karl Saulitis Memorial Fund for Fighting Blood Cancers

  • Supports the Be the Match Foundation, the Blood Cancer Foundation of Michigan, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc. and the Lymphoma Research Foundation.

Stanley and Germaine Schroeder Charitable Fund

  • Supports St. Isaac Jogues Roman Catholic Church Elementary School, the Michigan Humane Society and Leader Dogs for the Blind Inc.

Jack R. Smiley Conservation Fund

  • Supports the Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy.

Ida and Conrad H. Smith Endowment for Detroit Opera

Ida and Conrad H. Smith Endowment Fund for the Detroit Institute of Arts

Arlene Spohn Charitable Fund

  • Supports the Scleroderma Foundation of Michigan Chapter, Penrickton Center for Blind Children, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, the American Lung Association, John Glenn High School and Garden City High School.

Mabel French Taylor Memorial Fund

  • Supports the Capuchin Soup Kitchen.

Tkachik Sisters Charitable Fund

  • Supports the Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust, the Eastern Michigan University Foundation, the Michigan 4-H Foundation, Leader Dogs for the Blind Inc., SARC and Whaley Children’s Center.

Carla Yvonne Tucker Memorial Fund

  • Supports the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Curl H. Tutag Michigan Humane Society Fund

Alfred and Jane Warren Fund

  • Supports Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, the Great Lakes Field Service Council, Boy Scouts of America and Muskingum University.

Wesstand Fund

  • Supports University Liggett School.

Marian E. White Fund

  • Supports the Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust, Paralyzed Veterans of America – Michigan Chapter, Seedlings Braille Books for Children, the Michigan Humane Society, The Salvation Army Great Lakes Division, Smile Train Inc., Doctors Without Borders and Father Flanagan’s Boys Home.

The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation Endowment for Alzheimer’s Disease Capital Needs

The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation Endowment for Alzheimer’s Disease Respite Care

The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation Endowment for Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church

Frank Winchell Fund

  • Supports Purdue University.

Hosley Word Jr. and Ron Tioran Fund

  • Supports Unified – HIV Health and Beyond.

Scholarship and Award Funds

Donors who wish to support the future of our region by investing in the education of its residents can do so by establishing a named scholarship fund. The Community Foundation also administers award funds for those donors who are interested in recognizing the achievements of a person or group in a specific field. Grants from these funds are made directly to the educational institution the scholarship recipient attends or will attend, and, in the case of an award, to the organization affiliated with the recipient being honored.

Donna W. Adams Scholarship Fund

Supports scholarships to benefit students who graduate from an identified elementary school of the Detroit Public Schools.

Winifred Stinson Basile Fund

  • Supports students achieving academic excellence in business programs at non-public accredited educational institutions in Wayne, Oakland or Macomb counties.

Birmingham Unitarian Church Goldsmith Scholarship Fund

  • Supports graduates of Pontiac High School.

Miguel Cabrera Family Scholarship Fund

  • Supports first-generation college students from southeast Michigan and southern Florida.

Clarence and Lillian Constantakis Environmental Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree in environmental science, conservation, or a related field at Michigan State University, Michigan Technological University or Wayne State University.

Dick DePaolis Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • Supports scholarships for students graduating from North Farmington High School.

Detroit Economic Club Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties.

Detroit Tigers Willie Horton Scholarship Fund

  • Supports scholarships for students graduating from Northwestern High School in Detroit.

Rayman V. and Margaret M. Dodson Scholarship Fund

  • Supports the United Negro College Fund.

Donald P. Durocher Public Relations Education Fund

  • Supports students pursuing public relations education.

Sanford W. and Elaine E. Feig Fund

  • Supports scholarships at Wayne State University, Macomb Community College, and L’Anse Creuse, Chippewa Valley and Mount Clemens high schools.

GAM Foundation Education Fund

  • Supports students enrolled in the Professional Golf Management Program at Ferris State University.

Lorraine E. Giles Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students from Ferndale High School pursuing degrees in mathematics, chemistry or physics.

Ronald W. Haughton Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students from Detroit schools who attend Wayne State University.

Robert Holmes Scholarship Fund

  • Supports scholarships for the children of Michigan members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

Evangeline Sheibley Hyett Endowment Fund

  • Supports students attending the schools of social work at Case Western Reserve University and Wayne State University.

George G. Johnson Scholarship Fund

  • Supports African-American male undergraduate students who have an interest in accounting or finance at Wayne State University.

Patricia J. and Michael D. Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students in the undergraduate nursing program at the University of Detroit Mercy.

Chris M. Kurzweil Scholarship Fund

  • Supports scholarships for children of employees of Intertape Polymer Group.

Mayor Brenda Lawrence Scholarship Fund

  • Supports Southfield students who want to attend a Michigan nonprofit college, university or trade school.

Leonard, Butcher and Smeltzer Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students graduating from Wayne-Westland public high schools.

Virgil K. Lobring Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students graduating from Western International High School in Detroit.

Charles Lomas Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students from the School District of Dearborn who are pursuing a degree in education.

Lone Ranger Endowed Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students graduating from Oxford Public Schools.

Gerald Lundy Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • Supports minority students pursuing public relations education.

Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Fund

  • Supports the Cohn Prize in Legal Scholarship.

Ordóñez Family Scholarship Fund

  • Supports graduates of high schools located in southwest Detroit.

The Children of Plante & Moran Scholarship Fund

  • Supports scholarships that benefit dependent children of staff members of Plante & Moran Holding Group and its related companies.

Pritchard-Johnson Grit Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students who are graduates of Thurston High School.

PRSA Detroit Education Fund

  • Supports students pursuing public relations education.

Rashid-Michaels Directors Endowment

  • Supports students graduating from schools that are members of the Catholic High School League.

Reighard Family Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students from Whitmer High School, Toledo, Ohio, and Erie Mason High School, Erie, Mich.

Renaissance of Values Scholarship Fund

  • Supports graduating eighth-graders from Everest Academy.

The Hon. Gerald E. Rosen Scholarship for Community Commitment Fund

  • Supports students attending Wayne State University.

SCF Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students who live or go to school in Southfield and/or Lathrup Village and plan to study at a nonprofit college, university or trade school.

Jeptha Wade Schureman Scholarship Fund

  • Supports scholarships to fatherless students in southeast Michigan who are studying law, nursing, medicine or dentistry at one of Michigan’s public universities.

Otis M. Smith Scholarship Fund

  • Supports scholarships to select single mothers residing in Wayne, Oakland or Macomb counties.

Southern Wayne County Regional Chamber Fund

  • Supports students who graduate from schools in the Chamber’s service area.

Tony Spina Enrichment Fund

  • Supports any Michigan student pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in photojournalism at a Michigan nonprofit college or university.

Robert Stempel Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • Supports graduates of select high schools in Detroit who are pursuing a science or engineering degree program.

Gene Taylor Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students who live or go to high school in Southfield and/or Lathrup Village.

Robert C.J. Traub Memorial Scholarship Travel Fund

  • Supports educational travel award in the fields of music and art that benefit students graduating from Bloomfield Hills schools.

Phillip Vails Memorial Fund

  • Supports students who live or go to high school in Southfield and/or Lathrup Village and exhibit a love of and active involvement in vocal music and/or theater.

Enrico And Marie Vespa Scholarship Fund

  • Supports educational scholarships to current employees or children of employees of English Gardens Corp.

VVA Detroit Chapter No. 9 Descendants of Vietnam Veterans Scholarship Fund

  • Supports postsecondary students between the ages of 16 and 30 who are the natural or adopted direct lineal descendent of a qualifying Vietnam veteran.

Louise Ward Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students who live or go to high school in Southfield and/or Lathrup Village for whom music will continue to be an important part of their postsecondary experience.

Monsignor Herbert Weier Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students who are graduates of Divine Child High School in Dearborn, Mich.

Cheryl Wojtas Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students graduating from the Port Huron Area Schools and the Gaylord Community Schools.

Agency Endowment Funds, A-F

Nonprofit agencies can establish an endowment fund with the Community Foundation to support their general operations or a specific program. In so doing, these nonprofits benefit from a range of Community Foundation services, including marketing support and investment oversight. The following nonprofit organizations have established endowment funds that are held at the Community Foundation.

AAUW Northville – Novi Branch Endowment Fund

Accounting Aid Society Endowment Fund

All Well-Being Services Endowment Fund

  • Clarence and Grace Chamberlin Fund for All Well-Being Services

Affirmations Endowment Fund

  • Dorothy Ellis Cassis Memorial Fund
  • Nancy Katz and Margo Dichtelmiller Fund
  • George D. Westerman and Charles C. Lemon Fund

Aim High School Endowment Fund

Allen Creek Preschool Endowment Fund

Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Oakland County Endowment Fund

Alternatives for Girls Endowment Fund

  • Amanda L. Good Fund
  • Lois Pincus Cohn Fund for Alternatives for Girls
  • Dr. Rosemary Sarri Asset Building Fund
  • Rosenthal-Dombrowski Fund

American Red Cross – Southeastern Michigan Chapter Endowment Fund

  • Christ Church Grosse Pointe – Beyond Parish Ministry Disaster Relief Fund
  • Adelyn B. Devereaux Fund
  • Irma Elder Fund
  • Charles W. and Jean M. Elliot Disaster Relief Fund
  • Henry T. Ewald Fund
  • Sherman J. Fitzsimons Jr. Fund
  • John B. and Peggy Ford III Disaster Relief Fund
  • Kmart Corporation Fund
  • Munder Capital Management Fund
  • Nicholson Family Red Cross Disaster Fund
  • Anne C. St. Clair Red Cross Disaster Fund
  • E.A. “Bud” Schirmer Fund
  • William C. and Eleanore R. Schultz Fund
  • Paul and Barbara Trudgen Fund
  • Joan B. and Gerald E. Warren Disaster Relief Fund

Amity Foundation Endowment Fund

Angels’ Place Endowment Fund

Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services

  • Arab American National Museum Endowment Fund
  • Arab American National Museum Endowment Fund for Public Programming
  • Drs. Barbara and Adnan Aswad Endowment Fund

The Arc of Northwest Wayne County Endowment Fund

Art Center Endowment Fund

  • Gebran S. and Suzanne P. Anton Foundation Fund

Arts League of Michigan Inc. Endowment Fund

Autism Alliance of Michigan Endowment Fund

  • Peggy and Dave Meador Endowment for Autism Alliance of Michigan

Automation Alley Fund Endowment

Avalon Housing Endowment Fund

Beaumont Health Foundation Endowment Fund

Belle Isle Conservancy Endowment Fund

Berkley Public Library Endowment Fund

Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center Endowment Fund

Birmingham Historical Society Museum Fund

Birmingham Unitarian Church Endowment Fund

Black Family Development Inc. — CMF Detroit Youth Fund

Blood Cancer Foundation of Michigan Endowment Fund

  • ANR Pipeline Company Fund
  • Patrick K. Egan Memorial Fund
  • Uwe K. Faulhaber Memorial Fund
  • Glen W. Fortinberry Endowment Fund
  • Kathleen Damioli Hughes Memorial Fund
  • Bobby L. Jones Memorial Fund
  • Casey Ann MacKellar Memorial Fund
  • Hugh A. Miller Fund
  • Jill Marie Sienko Memorial Fund
  • Trevisan Family Endowment Fund

Bloomfield Hills Schools Foundation Endowment Fund

Bloomfield Township Public Library

  • Yvonne Y. Atkinson Fund
  • Bloomfield Township Public Library Director’s Legacy Fund
  • Bloomfield Township Public Library Endowment Fund
    • Lawrence Smith and Isabel Francis Smith Challenge Grant Fund
  • Jeanette P. Myers Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Fair Radom Garden Endowment Fund

Blue Water Habitat for Humanity Endowment Fund

Brightmoor Chistian Church — Novi Christian Academy Endowment Fund

Brighton District Library Endowment Fund

BWROC Inc. Endowment Fund

CARE House of Oakland County Endowment Fund

Cass Community Social Services Endowment Fund

Cathedral Church of St. Paul Endowment Fund

Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County Endowment Fund

Chamber Music Society of Detroit Endowment Fund

  • David and Andrea Page Period Music Endowment Fund

Chelsea District Library Endowment Fund

Chelsea Education Foundation

  • Mary E. Merkel Endowment Fund
  • Joseph K. Piasecki Endowment Fund
  • Electa M. Wagner and Robert W. Wagner Family Endowment Fund

Chelsea Senior Center Endowment Fund

Children’s Hospital Endowment Fund

  • Ingrid and Ashok Sarnaik Endowment Fund for Critical Care and Sickle Cell Support

Christ Child Society of Detroit Endowment Fund

Church of the Messiah Housing Corporation Endowment Fund

  • George R. and Elise M. Fink Foundation Fund

Citizens Research Council Endowment Fund

  • Terence and Jennifer Adderley Endowment for the Citizens Research Council of Michigan

Clark Park Legacy Fund

Clinton River Watershed Council Fund

Co-Ette Club of Detroit Inc. Endowment Fund

Common Ground Endowment Fund

  • Ellen and Joseph Price Fund for Common Ground Sanctuary

Community House Endowment Fund

  • Helen and Barbara Van Dusen Endowment Fund

Community Living Centers Endowment Fund

Community Opportunity Center Nonprofit Housing Corporation Endowment Fund

Crossroads of Michigan Endowment Fund

  • Clarence and Grace Chamberlin Fund for Crossroads of Michigan

Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program Endowment Fund

Detroit Artists Market Endowment Fund

Detroit Chamber Winds Fund

  • Faye and Seymour Okun Innovative Projects Fund

Detroit Cristo Rey High School Fund

Detroit Greenways Coalition Endowment Fund

Detroit Historical Society Endowment Fund

  • Terence and Jennifer Adderley Endowment for the Detroit Historical Society

Detroit Institute for Children Endowment Fund

Detroit Institute of Arts Endowment Fund

  • Terence and Jennifer Adderley Endowment for the Detroit Institute of Arts
  • Andrew L. and Gayle Shaw Camden Endowment for the Detroit Institute of Arts

Detroit Opera Endowment Fund

Detroit PAL Endowment Fund

  • D. Duane Hurtt Memorial Fund for Detroit PAL

Detroit Public Schools Foundation

  • Detroit Public Schools Foundation Endowment Fund
  • The YES Foundation Endowment Fund
    • Leroy C. Richie Fund

Detroit Regional Chamber Foundation Inc.

  • Douglas E. Busbey Leadership Detroit Fund
  • Van Dusen/Compact College Fund I
    • Mayor Dennis W. Archer Compact Scholars Fund
    • Awrey Bakeries Inc. Fund
    • Curtis C. Carmichael Fund (Copper & Brass Sales Inc.)
    • Casey Communications Management Inc. Fund
    • Children First Fund (Detroit Free Press)
    • Chrysler Foundation – Detroit Compact Scholarship Fund
    • Great Lakes Gas Transmission Limited Partnership Fund
    • Kmart Compact Scholarship Fund
    • Ross Roy Communications Scholarship Fund
    • Sinai Hospital of Greater Detroit Fund
    • Frank E. Smith Scholars Fund
    • Richard C. Van Dusen Fund (Dickinson Wright, PLLC)
    • Weir, Manuel, Snyder & Ranke Inc. Scholarship Fund
  • Van Dusen/Compact College Fund II

Detroit Riverfront Conservancy Endowment Fund

  • Cullen Family Carousel Fund
  • Cullen Family Endowment Fund for the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy
  • Dequindre Cut Maintenance Endowment Fund
    • Peter Stroh Fund for the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy
  • The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Centennial Park Endowment Fund

Detroit Section, Society of Plastics Engineers — SPE Fund

Detroit Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund

  • Beverly Franzblau Baker Fund for the DSO
  • Bauder Family Endowment Fund for the DSO
  • Dr. Eli V. and Joanna Berger Fund for the DSO
  • John B. and Mary H. Ford Detroit Symphony Orchestra Hall Fund
  • Victor and Gale Girolami Endowment Fund

Detroit Waldorf School Endowment Fund

  • Amelia H. Wilhelm Fund for Detroit Waldorf School

Detroit Youth Choir Endowment Fund

Detroit Zoological Society Endowment Fund

  • Clarence and Grace Chamberlin Fund for the Detroit Zoological Society

Diamond Achievement Foundation – Northern Province Centennial Life Fund

Downtown Detroit Partnership Inc. — Roger S. Penske Detroit Fund

Ecumenical Theological Seminary Endowment Fund

  • John E. Biersdorf Fund
  • Anneliese Sinnott O.P. Fund
  • David W. Swink Fund

Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation Fund

Ruth Ellis Center Legacy Fund

Ennis Center — Julio Jove Fund for Ennis Center

Equality Michigan Endowment Fund

Eta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Endowment Fund

Eton Academy Endowment Fund

Faith In Action Endowment Fund

FAR Conservatory of Therapeutic and Performing Arts — Cindy Leonard Scholarship Endowment Fund

Farmington/Farmington Hills Foundation for Youth and Families

  • Backpack Fund
  • Farmington/Farmington Hills After-School Program Fund
  • Farmington/Farmington Hills Fund for Youth and Families
    • Grainger Fund
  • Don Howell Memorial Fund

Ferndale Educational Foundation Fund

First Step Endowment Fund

Focus: HOPE Endowment Fund

  • Clarence and Grace Chamberlin Fund for Focus: HOPE
  • Ellen and Joseph Price Fund for Focus: HOPE

Forgotten Harvest Endowment Fund

Franklin-Wright Settlements Endowment Fund

Friends of the Milford Skatepark Endowment

Friends of the Oudolf Garden — Oudolf Garden Detroit Endowment Fund

  • Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Fund for Oudolf Garden Detroit

Friends of the Rouge Endowment Fund

Friends of the Wayne Public Library Endowment Fund

Friends of the Wyandotte Museums Endowment Fund

Full Circle Foundation Inc. Endowment Fund

Furniture Bank of Southeastern Michigan — Margaret T. Pomeroy Tribute Fund

The Futures Foundation Fund

Agency Endowment Funds, G-R

Garden Club of Michigan Endowment Fund

Gateway Montessori School Endowment Fund

Gilda’s Club – Metro Detroit Endowment Fund

Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan – Barbara “Darbi” Stuber Memorial Fund

Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan Endowment Fund

Gjergj Kastrioti Scholarship Fund Endowment

Gleaners Endowment Fund

  • Fighting Hunger Together Fund
  • Nate Gooden, Hand in Hand Foundation Fund for Gleaners
  • Coleman and Shirley Mopper Fund for Children
  • Ashok and Sharada (Ingrid) Sarnaik Fund for Diwali Meals
  • Taste of the NFL Fund for Gleaners
  • Lela Wadlin and Roger Olson Endowment Fund
  • Joan and Wayne Webber Fund

Goodwill Industries of Greater Detroit – Job Training Endowment

Grandmont/Rosedale Development Corp. — GRDC Neighborhood Legacy Fund

  • Janice Marshall Memorial Fund

Great Lakes Chamber Music Festival Fund

  • Morris and Beverly Baker Fund
  • Ruth Laredo Fund
  • Anthony M. Tocco Artistic Director Chair Fund
  • James Tocco Fund

Great Lakes Field Service Council, Boy Scouts of America Endowment Fund

Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association Endowment Fund

Greater Detroit and Windsor Japan-America Society — Japan-America Society Fund

The Greening of Detroit — E. Eleanor Marsh Maintenance Fund

GreenPath Financial Wellness Endowment Fund

  • Albert O. Horner GreenPath Financial Wellness Founder’s Fund
  • Bruce Paradis Homeownership Preservation Foundation Founder’s Fund

Grosse Ile Historical Society Lighthouse Fund

Grosse Pointe Chamber Foundation Endowment Fund

Grosse Pointe Foundation for Public Education

  • Future Excellence in Education Fund
  • Grosse Pointe Foundation for Public Education Endowment Fund
  • Anne Hudson Endowment Fund for the Grosse Pointe Foundation for Public Education

Grosse Pointe Historical Society Endowment Fund

Grosse Pointe Public Library Endowment Fund

  • Book Endowment Fund for the Grosse Pointe Public Library

Grosse Pointe War Memorial Endowment Fund

  • Alice Kales Hartwick Foundation Fund
  • Frank J. Sladen Jr. Endowment Fund
  • Mark R. Weber President’s Fund

Grosse Pointe War Memorial Fund for Youth Enrichment

The Guidance Center Endowment Fund

  • Budd Lynch Endowment Fund for Children

HAVEN Foundation Endowment Fund

  • Locniskar Beck Fund for HAVEN

Henry Ford Health System — Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology Fund

High/Scope Endowment Fund

  • Education Through Movement: Building the Foundation Fund
  • Marilyn Thomas Fund
  • Hubert J. and Catherine P. Weikart Memorial Scholarship Fund

Highland Township Public Library Endowment Fund

Historic Elmwood Foundation Endowment Fund

Historical Society for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan Endowment Fund

Hope Network Foundation Endowment Fund

Hospice of Michigan Endowment Fund

Howell Carnegie District Library

  • Howell Carnegie District Library Endowment Fund
  • Grace Song Line and Winfield H. Line Fund
  • James Ross Memorial Fund

Huron-Clinton Metroparks Foundation Fund

Huron Valley Educational Foundation Endowment Fund

The Information Center Endowment Fund

International Institute Endowment Fund

International Wildlife Refuge Alliance Endowment Fund

JARC — Norman G. Wachler Endowment Fund for JARC

  • Charles and Florence Milan Foundation Fund for JARC
  • Joyce Keller and Michael A. Walch Fund

Jewish Family Service Endowment Fund

  • Amy and Dr. Mark H. Haimann Family Fund
  • Judy and John Marx Fund
  • Patti L. Nemer Fund
  • Windows Endowment Fund

Joy of Jesus Inc. Endowment Fund

Judson Center Inc. — Tina and George Milidrag Fund for Innovation


  • JVS JOIN Program Fund
    • Jeanette and Oscar Cook Fund
  • JVS – Realizing Life’s Potential – Endowment Fund
    • Hadas and Dennis Bernard Family Fund
    • Elyse Goldin Essick and David Foltyn Family Fund
    • Dr. Ron and Andrea Hurwitz Family Fund
    • Barbara and Donald Nurenberg Family Fund
    • Henry and Mary Piotrowski Fund
    • Linda and Jack Schechter Family Fund

Kadima Operational Endowment Fund

Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute Endowment Fund

Kids on the Go Endowment Fund

LACASA Endowment Fund

Lawrence Technological University Endowment Fund

  • Clarence and Grace Chamberlin Fund for Lawrence Technological University

League of Michigan Bicyclists — Michigan Mountain Biking Association Endowment Fund

Learning Ally Endowment Fund

Life Challenge of Southeastern Michigan Endowment Fund

Lighthouse of Michigan

  • Lighthouse of Michigan Endowment Fund
    • Herbert N. and Nancy M. Weingarten Endowment Fund
  • South Oakland Shelter Endowment Fund

Literacy and Beyond Endowment Fund

Livingston County Catholic Charities Fund

  • Rev. William J. Carolin Fund

Mariners Inn Endowment Fund

Matrix Human Services — Michigan AIDS Coalition Endowment Fund

Michigan Aerospace Foundation Endowment Fund for the Yankee Air Museum

Michigan Art Education Association

  • Michigan Art Education Association Memorial Endowment Fund
  • Michigan Art Education Association Professional Development Fund
  • Michigan College Access Network — Detroit College Access Network Endowment Fund

Michigan Conference Women’s Missionary Society of the AME Church Endowment Fund

Michigan DECA — Jamie Riley Fund for Michigan DECA

Michigan Environmental Council Endowment Fund

Michigan Historical Commission — Capitol Park Fund

Michigan Humane Society Endowment Fund

Michigan League for Public Policy Nokomis Legacy Fund

Michigan Nature Association Endowment Fund

Michigan Psychoanalytic Foundation Endowment Fund

Michigan Science Center Endowment Fund

Clarence and Grace Chamberlin Fund for the Michigan Science Center

Michigan Youth Education Foundation Endowment

Minerva Education and Development Foundation Fund

  • Doris B. Corsey Arnold Fund
  • Benita Brickhouse Endowment Fund
  • Dr. Barbara Bowen Coulter Fund
  • Dr. Judith T. Jackson Fund
  • Reverend Dr. Joseph R. Jordan Memorial Fund
  • James and Patricia Solomon Memorial Fund
  • Robin H. Sowell Fund

Model-T Automotive Heritage Complex Fund

MOCAD Endowment Fund

Robert P. Holley Fund for MOCAD

National Kidney Foundation of Michigan Endowment Fund

National Ski Patrol Inc. – Pine Knob Ski Patrol, Karen’s Fund for Education

Neighborhood Club Endowment Fund

  • Mrs. Caroline W. Kuhn Fund

New Detroit Race Relations Fund

North Star Reach Endowment Fund

Northville District Library Endowment Fund

  • Oakland County Bar Foundation Fund
  • Oakland County Youth Assistance Coordinating Council Endowment
  • Oakland Family Services Endowment Fund
  • Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency Fund
  • Old Newsboys’ Goodfellows Fund of the Detroit Endowment Fund
  • Old Newsboys’ Goodfellows Fund of the Detroit Memorial Fund
  • Opportunity Resource Fund Endowment Fund
  • Orchards Children’s Services Endowment Fund

Packard Motor Car Foundation Fund

Rosa L. Parks Scholarship Foundation Fund

Pewabic Pottery Fund

Pewabic Education Fund

Pioneer Band Association

Joel Brahce Memorial Fund

David Leach Fund Endowment

Nancy Waring Endowment Fund

Planned Parenthood of Michigan Endowment Fund

Plymouth District Library Endowment Fund

Plymouth District Library Children’s Fund

Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Endowment Fund

Chaplaincy Fund for Presbyterian Villages of Michigan

Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Foundation Fund for Green Houses

Preservation Bloomfield Endowment Fund

Pro Musica Endowment Fund

Purple Rose Theatre Company Endowment Fund

Redford Township District Library — Frances Carpenter Endowment Fund

Rochester University Endowment Fund

  • Dr. Royce L. Dickinson Jr. Memorial Fund
  • Molly Lynn Fund
  • Norplex Associates Warren M. Beevers Memorial Fund
  • Rosalie Turner Endowment Fund

Roeper School Fund

  • Erin and Blayne Milbeck Fund

Rose Hill Foundation Fund

  • Susan and Oliver Cameron Fund for Rose Hill
  • Don and Jeannine Gundle Family Fund
  • John D. Kelly Fund
  • Mitchell Scott Ross Memorial Fund
  • Craig M. Vander Broek Memorial Fund

Roseville Public Library Endowment Fund

Royal Oak Historical Society Endowment Fund

Royal Oak Schools Foundation Endowment Fund

Agency Endowment Funds, S-Y

Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center Endowment Fund

  • Clarence and Grace Chamberlin Fund for Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center

St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Endowment Fund

St. Patrick Senior Center Endowment Fund

St. Paul A.M.E. Zion Church Endowment Fund

St. Thomas More Academy Endowment Fund

Salem-South Lyon District Library Endowment Fund

SEMHA Public Health Improvement Fund

Services for Older Citizens Endowment Fund

  • The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation Fund for Services for Older Citizens

Services to Enhance Potential Endowment Fund

Six Rivers Regional Land Conservancy Endowment Fund

Solanus Casey Legacy Fund

Southwest Detroit Business Association Endowment Fund

Spaulding for Children Endowment Fund

Sphinx Organization

Bauder Sphinx Composers Fund

  • Sphinx Organization Endowment Fund
    • Bauder Sphinx Fellow Fund
    • Bauder Sphinx Symphony Conductor’s Chair Fund

Starfish Family Services Endowment Fund

The Stewardship Network Endowment Fund

James Tatum Foundation for the Arts Fund

Bishop Robert Thomas Jr. Scholarship Endowment Fund

Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Detroit Endowment Fund

VTuesday Musicale of Detroit Endowment Fund

UMRC Foundation Endowment Fund

Unified – HIV Health and Beyond Endowment Fund

  • David R. Nowakowski Fund

United Negro College Fund – Michigan Endowment Fund

  • Clarence and Grace Chamberlin Fund for the United Negro College Fund – Michigan

United Way for Southeastern Michigan

  • George W. Romney Fund for Volunteerism
  • United Way for Southeastern Michigan Endowment Fund

University Liggett School

  • Gary J. Hills Memorial Fund
  • University Liggett School Endowment Fund

VIP Endowment Fund

Vista Maria Endowment Fund

Warren/Conner Development Coalition Endowment Fund

Wayne State University/Merrill-Palmer Skillman Institute Endowment Fund

Westran Scholarship Endowment Fund

Wheatland Music Organization — Rickey F. Novak Music Memorial Fund

World Medical Relief Endowment Fund

Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History

  • Museum of African American History Endowment Fund
    • William F. and Wilma Ray Bledsoe Endowment Fund

Yeshiva Beth Yehudah Fund

YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit

  • YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit Endowment Fund
  • YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit Fund for Children’s Literacy and Cultural Programs
    • James A. Tuck Fund for Children

Business Advised Funds

The Community Foundation offers a wide range of support, administrative and financial services to help our partners in the business community advance their philanthropic goals. Many of our partners elect to set up advised funds with the Community Foundation to assist with their charitable grantmaking, employee matching gift program or volunteer grant program.

AmeriTrust Group Fund

Clark Hill – Detroit Enrichment Fund

Clark Hill Endowment Fund

DTE Energy Employee Disaster Relief Fund

DTE Foundation Funds

Howard & Howard Community Reinvestment Fund

Huntington Bancshares Fund

Kerr, Russell and Weber, PLC Fund

Kerr, Russell and Weber, PLC II Fund

Kids Klub Foundation Fund

L&W Engineering Community Fund

Marx Layne Fund

Frank S. Moran Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund

Span Corporation Endowment for Child and Family Services

StockX Fund

Advised Endowment Funds

Advised endowments enable donors to leave a permanent legacy while actively participating with the Community Foundation in recommending grants to be made from the fund annually. We are grateful to the donors who have established the following advised endowments with the Community Foundation.

Terence and Jennifer Adderley Community Foundation President’s Fund

Ryanne Akins Fund

Richard and Mona Alonzo Family Fund

Dr. Donald and Dale Austin Community Fund

Baiardi Family Charitable Endowment Fund

Mary E. Bennick Endowment Fund

Julie and John Bostick Family Fund

Alexa J. Brown Memorial Endowment Fund

Howard Camden Endowed Family Fund

Roy D. Chapin Foundation Fund

Eric Charles Designs Fund

Cieszynski Family Charitable Fund

Cohen Family Endowment Fund

Leo, Eleanore and Ronald Cooney Fund

Charlene Coursen Family Endowment Fund

Stanley R. Day Family Fund

Day Stroh Family Fund

Ebeid Family Fund

Education for a Brighter Future Endowment Fund

Marjorie S. Fisher Endowment Fund

Fisher-Cummings Family Endowment Fund

Fisher-Insley Fund

Benson and Edith Ford Endowment Fund

Daniel and Patricia Frank Family Fund

William and Sandra Goodman Fund

Susan and Merrill Gordon Family Fund

Gordy Endowment Fund

Henry M. Grix and Howard W. Israel Endowment Fund

Gualdoni Family Endowed Fund

Bill and Sue Hermann Family Fund

Anne and Gilbert Hudson Fund

Jean Wright Hudson and Joseph L. Hudson Jr. Family Fund for Civic and Cultural Enrichment

Jamie and Denise Jacob Family Fund

Betty Kahn Fund

Bernard and Nina Kent Endowment Fund

Knudsen Family Fund

Mary L. Kramer Fund

Drs. Mohan and Rekha Lall Memorial Fund

Leppanen Miller Endowment Fund

Dana M. Locniskar and Christine A. Beck Endowed Family Fund

Locniskar-Beck Endowed Family Fund

Lohrmann Family Philanthropic Fund

Frank W. Lynch and Roberta Jane Lynch Endowed Family Fund

MacFarlane Family Endowment Fund

MacFarlane Family Fund

Leo E. and Ann June Mainville Fund

Dr. Bill and Florine Mark-Ross Fund for A.L.S. Research

The J.P. McCarthy Endowment Fund

James F. and Frances McDonnell Fund

Mary I. McLeod Foundation Fund

Meyers Family Foundation Fund

Becky and Sam Misuraca Fund

Sarah Moore and Woodside Fund

Morda Family Fund

Nora Lynn Napolitan Endowment Fund

James B. and Ann Nicholson Leadership Fund

Niswander Endowment Fund

David and Andrea Page Family Fund I

David and Andrea Page Family Fund II

Norman and Susan Pappas Fund

Colleen O. and Gary C. Peters Family Endowment Fund

Polk Family Leadership Fund

Pomeroy-Stutz Family Fund

Glenda Price Endowment Fund

Sharon L. Ram Aquatic Sciences Fund

Rappleye Family Fund

Ruth Rattner Endowment Fund

Thomas R. and Priscilla A. Ricketts Memorial Fund for Community Development

Sigmund and Sophie Rohlik Endowment Fund

Edward C. Roney Jr. and Peggy Couzens Roney Fund

Bruce H. and Rosalie N. Rosen Family Endowment Fund

Lindsey Linnell Sanders Memorial Fund

Joseph and Stephanie Scavone Fund

Dorothy M. Schlaff Fund

Frederick E. and Ladene Schoen Endowment Fund

Frederick E. and Ladene Schoen Endowment Fund II

Shelden Fund

William Warren Shelden Jr. Fund

Bobette and Byron Siegel Family Fund

Sims Family Fund

Elizabeth Smith Charitable Fund

Leonard W. Smith Fund

Levi and Barbara Smith Family Fund

William H. and Patricia M. Smith Family Fund

William H. and Patricia M. Smith Fund

Stebbins Family Endowment Fund

Sullivan Gellman Endowment Fund

Eddie J. Swain Educational Fund

Swallow Family Endowment Fund

Sara A. Sweeny Endowed Fund

Deborah Ann Tompkins-Jones Memorial Fund

Richard C. and Barbara C. Van Dusen Family Fund

Salome E. and Jonathan T. Walton Family Fund

Wheeler Fund

John and Elizabeth Williams Fund

Matilda R. Wilson Endowment Fund

The Winkelman Fund

Woiwode Family Fund

Frank R. and Faye M. Zimmerman Family Fund

Donor Advised Funds, A-L

Donor advised funds that are not endowed also provide donors with a simple, flexible way to connect to the causes they care about by working with the Community Foundation to recommend grants from their fund.

Frederick and Cheryl Adams Fund

Lisa Adderley Fund

Terence and Jennifer Adderley Fund

Richard and Diana Aginian Fund


John M. Allen and Stephen P. Orlando Fund

Richard and Mona Alonzo Fund

Gerald and Sandra Ambrozy Fund

Mark E. Andrews Memorial Fund

Andris Family Foundation Fund

Daniel and Rose Angelucci Charitable Fund

Anonymous Funds

Cathy and Bob Anthony Fund

Dennis Wayne Archer and Trudy DunCombe Archer Fund

Alissandra Elizabeth Aronow Fund

Andrew Fisher Aronow Fund

Margaret and Sam Arslanian Family Memorial Fund

Dr. Gary and Linda Assarian Fund

Linda Wasserman Aviv Family Fund

Bardel Family Charitable Fund

Lucy M. Bates Fund

Bear Lake Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Begg Jr. Fund

Bemis Family Charity Fund

Jack and A. Elaine Biller Family Fund

Elizabeth D. Black Fund

Bogard Family Charitable Fund

Neil and Denise Boyle Family Fund

Donna and Bud Brian Fund

Sara M. and Bryan J. Brieden Memorial Fund

Jerome H. and Joann F. Brooks Memorial Fund

Durinda Purkiss Brownlee Fund

Buell Family Fund

Thomas C. and Lindsey F. Buhl Fund

Built to Play Fund

Bob, Mary Ann and Meredith Bury Charitable Fund

Busch Family Fund

John D. Butler Family Fund

Antonio Calderoni “Life in the Spirit” Charitable Fund

Andrew L. and Gayle Shaw Camden Fund

Cameron Family Fund

The Susan Goethel Campbell Fund

Joanne and John Carter Family Fund

Charlton Family Foundation

Adam D. Cheslin Family Fund

Clark-Turay Family Fund

Cohen Family Fund

Lois Pincus Cohn Fund

Mike and Melonie Colaianne Fund

Community Innovation and Leadership Fund

Wendy Marie Cope Fund

Mike and Linda Costello Fund

James A. Courter Fund

Craine Family Charitable Fund

Crane Family Fund

Elizabeth T. Crawford Charitable Fund

Matthew and Karen Cullen Fund

Megan and Andrew Curoe Fund

Deborah and Stephen D’Arcy Fund

Davenport Forté Pedestal Fund

Davis-Rom Fund

Vivian Day and John Stroh III Family Fund

Deep Haven Fund

Bill Demmer Family Fund

Detroit of Tomorrow Fund

Dettloff Memorial Fund

The DeVore Fund

Marjorie and Henry DiLaura Fund

Edward and Amalia DiLoreto Memorial Fund

Doan Family Fund

Lenore and Stanley Dorfman Fund

Walter E. and Retha H. Douglas Fund

Driker Family Fund

Duey Donor Fund

Pat and Joan Duggan Fund

Duggan and Velez Family Fund

David and Sue Anne Duprey Family Fund

Earley Family Fund

Earley Family Fund II

Edelman Strongwater Family Fund

Wade and Aliza Edwards Fund

Martha A. and Norman F. Ehlers Fund

Marcia A. Elliott Charitable Fund

Ellis Family Fund

Erb Family Foundation Fund

George C. and Anne K. Eshelman Fund

Ethier Family Fund

Stephen E. and Jean C. Ewing Fund

Jack and Peggy Falcon Fund

Jay Farner Fund

Marianne and Robin Ferriby Family Fund

Benjamin and Christine Fischer Fund

Amanda Fisher Fund

Marjorie M. Fisher Fund

Marjorie S. Fisher Fund

Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation Executive Director Fund

Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation Matching Grant Fund

Phillip Wm. Fisher Fund

Walter B. and Sandra B. Fisher Fund

Fisher-Cummings Family Fund

Karin W. Flint Fund

William R. Flynn Memorial Fund

Martha F. Ford Fund

William Clay Ford Jr. and Lisa V. Ford Fund

Drs. Merle L. and Peggy J. Foss Academic Enrichment Fund

W. Frank and Sharma R. Fountain Fund

Martha and David Friedlander Fund

Friedman Family Fund

Eugene and Mary Anne Gargaro Fund

Garvey Family Fund

William B. and Margaret Giles Fund

Don and Elizabeth Gill Family Fund

Allan D. Gilmour Fund

Brian and Julie Ginsburg Fund

Michelle and Gary Glenn Fund

Goddeeris-Madigan Family Fund

Granholm Mulhern Family Fund

Elisa and Ned Greenberg Charitable Fund

Thomas and Elizabeth Griffith Fund

Henry M. Grix and Howard W. Israel Fund

Gualdoni Family Fund

Ted and Nancy Haddad Fund

Sylvia and Edward Hagenlocker Fund

Dr. Berj H. and Alice Berberian Haidostian Family Fund

Kevin and Kouhaila Hammer Family Fund

Hand Up, Not Handout Fund

Mirvan Hayes Memorial Fund

Mary Claire Heider Heller Fund

David and Cynthia Hempstead Fund

Henry-Morris Foundation Fund

Hermann Family Fund

Hill Family Fund

Hillegonds Family Fund

The Holley Foundation Fund

Judith W. and Peter A. Holmes Fund

Norman Horowitz and Robert Tomasik Fund

Norman Horowitz and Robert Tomasik Fund II

W.K. and Lorna C. Howenstein Fund

Jean Wright and Joseph L. Hudson Jr. Fund

Joyce Jenereaux Fund

George G. Johnson Fund

Karoub Family Charitable Fund

Sam Kassab Fund

Keating Fund

Richard and Mary Kelly Family Fund

Jean Marie King Fund

David and Ellen Kirsch Fund

Elizabeth Knibbe Fund

Elizabeth Koegel Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Kontulis Fund

Koro Family Charitable Fund

KR Cares Fund

The Krizanic Family Charitable Fund

Kross Family Fund

Barbara and John Ladendorf Foundation

Susan and Brad Laffrey Fund

William A. LaMarra Presidential Charitable Fund

Eric and Katherine Larson Family Fund

Laskan Family Fund

Louis E. and Najla K. Lataif Fund

Susan and Louis E. Lataif Jr. Fund

Michael, Judy and Joshua Layne Family Fund

Janet and Robert Lee Family Fund

Leinweber Foundation Fund

Lezotte-Little Family Fund

Lifespan Resources Fund

Mike Lindberg Family Fund

Gerald and Joyce Lindquist Fund

Lance Lis DAF Fund

Little Rocco Fund

Jeffrey C. and Cynthia M. Littmann Fund

Dana M. Locniskar and Christine A. Beck Fund

Helen P. Lownie Fund

LWA Prop Fund

Donor Advised Funds, M-Z

Patricia and Mark Malcolm Fund

Nora Maloy Charitable Fund

Maggie Marcantonio Fund

Mark/Lis Family Fund

Carol Beltz Marks Family Fund

Hon. Jack Martin and Dr. Bettye V. Arrington Family Fund

Bill and Peggy Matthews Family Fund

Mark McAlpine and Cathy Catallo Fund

Mr. and Mrs. David N. McCammon Fund

Charles and Sarah McClure Fund

McGregor President’s Fund

Robert and Annette McGruder Fund

David L. and Harriet W. McIntyre Family Fund

Charlie McVey Fund

Meador Family Fund

Mertal Fund

George H. Meyer and Kay White Meyer Fund

Edward J. and Mary Ellen Miller Family Fund

Eugene A. Miller and Lois A. Miller Fund

J.M. Miller Family Fund

Misuraca Family Fund

MNOW Family Charitable Fund

Michael and Colleen Monahan Fund

Nasr Family Fund

Charles and Mary Neff Fund

Peter D. and Susan C. Neithercut Fund

Nichols Family Fund

Nicholson Family Fund

James and Mary Beth Nicholson Family Fund

Henry and Patricia Nickol Fund

Nitz Family Fund

Mariam C. Noland and James A. Kelly Fund

Mary M. Northcutt and Michael L. Goodell Fund

Maury Okun Fund

Peter and Patricia Palmer Family Fund

Joseph and Jennifer Hudson Parke Fund

Alfred Paskey Fund

Paula and John Paterson Fund

Payne-Gillesby Family Fund

Peck Family Fund

Ken and Claire Perry Fund

Donald and Jo Anne Petersen Fund

Donald L. Petersen Fund

Peterson Family Foundation Fund

Bruce and Kimberly Peterson Family Fund

Sean M. Pettibone Memorial Fund

Kris and Ruth Pfaehler Fund

Pickard Family Fund

Pierce Family Fund

Derek and Patricia Plummer Foundation Fund

Polk Family Fund

Price Family Fund

Pritchard-Johnson Family Charitable Fund

Provost-Torgow Fund

Pure Peace Fund

Bruce and Tamara Ranck Fund

Elizabeth Endicott Rands Fund

Ann C. and William J. Rauwerdink Fund

Remington Family Fund

Rise and Shine Fund

Rivera Family Fund

Chris and Colette Rizik Family Fund

Roberts Family Fund

Robinson Coleman Family Fund

Jack A. and Aviva Robinson Fund

Pam Rodgers Fund

Randall and Tammy Ross Family Fund

Pamela Rossiter Fund

Russell Family Fund

Jack & Julie Russo Fund

Sachs Family Fund

Samuel and Elizabeth Sachs Fund

Salah Family Fund

Sanders Family Fund

M.C. Sanfield Family Charitable Fund

Saperstein/Brown Family Fund

Saunders Family Fund

A. Paul and Carol C. Schaap Fund

Scheele Family Fund

Ted Schettler Fund

Schlichting Theisen Fund

Kathleen N. and Michael R. Schwartz Community Enrichment Fund

Anthony J. and Theresa A. Selvaggio Family Fund

Thomas C. and Mary L. Shafer Family Fund

Shapack Family Fund

Shapero-Straus Family Fund

Shaya Family Fund

William and Sally Shelden Fund

Alfred and Heather Sherk Fund

Bradley M. Simmons Charitable Fund

Mahone/Sarah Simpson Fund

Howard and Judith Sims Charitable Fund

Singh Family Fund

SKB Family Fund

Isla V. Small Fund I

Isla V. Small Fund II

Jack R. Smiley Fund

Stanton Kinnie and Mary Beth Smith Fund

WH Smith Family Legacy Fund

David F. and Martha R. Smydra Fund

Marianna and Dietrich Sneideraitis Fund

Stafeil Family Fund

Louis and Judi Stanford Family Fund

Stebbins Family Fund

Elaine Stern Foundation Fund

Tanja and Volker Straub Family Fund

Stringer Family Fund

W.E., Barbara and Jan Sturges Fund

Swallow Family Fund

Sara A. Sweeny Fund

Sznewajs Family Fund

Talmer Bank Fund

Martin and Anna Taylor Fund

Jack Lee Thompson Charitable Fund

Kurt and Beth Ann Thompson Charitable Fund

Thompson Family Fund

Thoms Music Fund

Therese M. Henri Thorn Fund

Gary and Malke Torgow Fund

Tom and Laura Trudeau Fund

James A. Tuck Memorial Fund

Reginald and Marcia Turner Charitable Fund

Scott and Sally Tyler Long Shadow Fund

Barbara C. Van Dusen Family Fund

Marie A. Vanerian Fund

Doris and Norma Van Gorp Foundation Fund

Vernor Viaduct Community Fund

William P. and Susan H. Vititoe Charitable Fund

Shirley Wagner Family Charitable Fund

Anthony P. and Fern Walch Philanthropic Fund

Bob Walters Fund

Gail and Lois Warden Fund

Joan B. and Gerald E. Warren Family Fund

Gary L. Wasserman/Wasserman Projects Fund

Randi and Dale Watchowski Family Fund

Walter and Harriet Watkins Fund

Roger Way and Patricia Donahue Fund

William Davis Wentworth Fund

George and Mary Wenzel Charitable Fund

Rudolf E. Wilhelm Fund

Henry P. Williams III Fund

Richard G. Williams and Martha I. Donovan Fund

Michael and Elizabeth Larson Willoughby Family Fund

The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation Fund

Winter Family Fund

Wolman Lamm Family Fund

Dr. James R. and EmmaJean B. Woodyard Fund

James and Patricia Zagelmeyer Fund

Anne Marie Zawadzki Memorial Fund

Martin and Nancy Zimmerman Family Fund

Chelsea Community Foundation Fund

This is the general endowment for the Chelsea Community Foundation, an affiliated foundation of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. The fund supports and promotes educational, scientific, literary, cultural and charitable purposes, primarily in and for the residents of the Chelsea community. The following funds have been established by individuals, families and businesses that care deeply about the quality of life in Chelsea.

Chelsea Lumber Company Fund

Chelsea State Bank Community Enrichment Fund

Jeff and Kathleen Daniels Fund

John Daniels and Jodi Daniels Fund

Robert and Marjorie Daniels Fund

Robert L. Daniels Scholarship Fund

  • Supports Chelsea High School graduates who are interested in pursuing a postsecondary education in the building trades or building technology.

Doan Family Fund for Chelsea

  • Established by Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Doan.

Dunn Family Fund

  • Established by Mr. John F. Dunn.

Michael and Ann Feeney Fund

Bart and Maribeth Hammer Family Fund

Dudley K. and Dawn C. Holmes Jr. Fund

Willard Johnson Family Fund for Chelsea

Willard Johnson Family Fund for Youth

Mary Beth Koeze Fund

M.P.S. Fund

  • Established by Shirley A. and Paul G. Schaible.

John K. and Anne E. Mann Family Fund

Jack and MaryAnn Merkel Family Fund

George L. Palmer Scholarship Fund

  • Supports Chelsea High School students who are entering programs for trade or vocational studies or are pursuing associate degrees.

Brewster E. and Emily C. Peabody Fund

  • Supports Chelsea High School students.

Weiser Family Fund for Children

  • Established by Ronald and Eileen Weiser.

Community Foundation for

Livingston County Fund

This is the endowment for the Community Foundation for Livingston County, an affiliated foundation of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. The fund supports and promotes educational, scientific, literary, cultural and charitable purposes, primarily in and for the residents of Livingston County. The following funds have been established by individuals, families and businesses that care deeply about the quality of life in Livingston County.

Cary A. Baldwin Scholarship Fund

  • Supports graduating seniors of Howell High School.

Bell-Borek Fund

The Beta Sigma Phi Iota Chapter Fund

  • Supports Howell High School students who are entering medical-related programs at accredited educational institutions.

Citizens Insurance Company of America Fund

Elizabeth and John Colone Endowment Fund for the Pinckney Community Public Library

  • Supports the Pinckney Community Public Library.

John and Anne Colone Fund

Detroit Edison Foundation Fund for Livingston County

E.D. Ewing Family Fund

First National Bank Community Fund

Francu/Ostrander Fund

Fund for Today and Someday

Bernie Gibbons Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • Supports Howell High School students who are pursuing postsecondary education.

Robert W. and Elizabeth “Betsy” Herbst Fund for Livingston County

Imelda “Mel” and Ralph Lemar Scholarship Fund

  • Supports Fowlerville High School students who plan to study chemistry, physics, mathematics, or electrical or mechanical engineering.

Harry Malynowsky Fund

  • Supports charitable educational programs that serve the residents of Livingston County.

Parke Family Fund

Established by John Parke Jr.

Susan Rafferty Scholarship Fund

  • Supports students from Brighton High School who attend Michigan State University.

Rex Family Fund for Literacy

  • Supports and promotes literacy development for young children, ages birth to five, and their families who are residents of Livingston County.

John P. and Janet V. Rex Family Fund for Livingston County

Patricia Joann Riley Memorial Fund

Established by Clyde Riley.

H.W. Sr. and Pearl S. Scofield Fund

William B. and Joy O. Scofield Fund

Dr. Roscoe V. and Barbara D. Stuber Fund